Hudson Township Board:

  • Function: Mandated functions are activities that townships are required to perform. The three broadest mandated responsibilities are assessment administration, elections administration and tax collection, which are legally assigned functions of the supervisor, clerk and treasurer, respectively. State laws also specify details for performing these functions. Beyond the mandated functions, Michigan townships are authorized to provide a wide variety of services that are generally expected from general purpose governmental entities such as fire protection, parks and recreation, cemeteries, land use (master plan, zoning ordinances, and road.
  • Members:  5 elected officials include Terry Erber (Supervisor) Frank D. Wasylewski (Treasurer), Ross Payton and Cecilia Smith (Trustees) and Randi Terry (Clerk).
  • Serve:  elected every 4 years, last election 2024 with terms staring November 2024
  • Meeting schedule: first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm.  Changes in the schedule will be posted on website and the hall door.  All are encouraged to attend.

Planning Commission:

  • Function: major functions include adopt and amend master plan, and zoning.
  • Members:  5 appointed members including Erik Hagstrom (Chairman), John Knott (Vice Chairman), Randi Terry (Secretary) and Jim Lambdin and Gene Pickering (community members). All members of the township are encouraged to attend.
  • Serve:
  • Meeting schedule: third Tuesday of April, July, October and January 7:00 pm.  Changes in the schedule will be posted on website and the hall door.

Board of Review:

  • Function: “All non-exempt property must be assessed at 50% of true cash value and uniformly assessed with other property in the classification. The purpose of the board of review is to ascertain that this has been accomplished” (MCLs 211.28-211.33).  Examines and reviews the assessment roll for the current year as prepared by the supervisor/assessor. Adds property omitted from the assessment roll. Corrects errors in names, descriptions of property, and the assessment and valuation of property. Hears taxpayer appeals. Endorses the completed assessment roll. (Michigan Township Association website, Board of Review)
  • Members: 3 appointed members include Emily Beyne, Marlene Guerin and Payton Bauman and one alternate.
  • Serve: 2-year term that begin in January 1 in odd-numbered years.  Last term started January 1, 2025
  • Meeting Schedule: Must meet in March.  They can meet in July and December if needed

Zoning Board of Appeals:

  • Function:
    • Shall hear and decide questions that arise in the administration of the zoning ordinance, including the interpretation of the zoning maps.
    • Shall hear and decide appeals from and review any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by an administrative official or body charged with enforcement of a zoning ordinance.
    • Shall hear and decide matters referred to it by the zoning ordinance or that it is required to pass under the zoning ordinance.
    • Decides variance requests.
    • Hears special land use and planned unit development appeals only if provided for by zoning ordinance
  • Members: 3 appointed members include Erik Hagstrom, Chairman (Planning Board Member), Cecilia Smith (Hudson Township Board), Joan Wasylewski (Hudson Township Resident)
  • Serve: 3-year term except for member from the board
  • Meeting Schedule: schedule as needed

Parcel Division Committee

  • Function: gives approval for division of land in accordance with Sec. 108 and 109 of the Michigan Land Division Act (formerly the subdivision control act P.A.288 of 1967 as amended particularly by P.A 591 of 1996 and PA 87 of 1997, MCL 560.101 et.seq.)
  • Members:  3 appointed members include Terry Erber, Frank D. Wasylewski, Anna Wasylewski
  • Serve:
  • Meeting Schedule:  first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm

Planning Commission Minutes:

November 2024 Draft Copy